Current Grants


Principal Investigator (PI): in a research program titled: "Grounding the Organizing of Building Cleaners Worldwide: The Role of the Justice for Janitors Model in Place." I have been awarded $91,969 for a three year study (2010-2013) of the JfJ model and organizing workers worldwide. The funding agency is the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Project began 1 May 2010.


Co-Applicant: in a research project titled: "Work in a Warming World: Adapting Canadian Employment and Work to the Challenge of Climate Change." Carla Lipsig-Mummé (York U) is the PI. This is a Community University Research Alliance (CURA) has been awarded $1,000,000 for a period of five years (2010-2015). I am a theme leader in this grant and have received 5 course releases as a result of my work on this grant. With Dr. Jan Kainer (York U) we are proposing to study climate change I the workplaces of the agri-food sector of the Canadian economy.


Principal Investigator (PI): "Jamaicans' Experiences in Kelowna." Interdisciplinary/Collaborative Research Grant from the University of British Columbia. Total Budget: $10,000. (Co-investigators: Dixon Sookraj ([UBCO Social Work and Ann Mackinnon [OC]). Start date for this project was 1 march and ends this fall 2010. The project sought to examine local (through an analysis of the local media) reaction to Jamaicans coming to Kelowna a 95% white large city in the southern interior of British Columbia. In addition, the research investigated Jamaicans own interpretation of living in the Okanagan Valley where Kelowna is situated.