
Welcome to my personal web site. Below is a brief description of my current research projects. See Research for more details. Please see Links to visit my website on global unions.
Currently I am involved in three research projects. The first examines the migration of the justice for janitors' model to labour milieus across the global to organize marginalized workers. The relationship between the model and the local conditions and history is especially interesting to me. This study is supported by a three year SSHRC Standard Research Grant. For more information on this project please click here: PDF Summary.
The second studies the impact of climate change in the agro-food sector in the Okanagan and Fraser valleys of BC. This project is supported by a fund from my participation in the Working in a Warming Work network in a Community University Research Alliance (CURA) awarded to Dr. Carla Lipsig-Mumme at York University. For more detail on this project see the following media release - https://news.ok.ubc.ca/
Third, I'm completing research of black Jamaican students and migrant contract workers in the Okanagan valley. This research has been supported by UBC's interdisciplinary collaborative grant. We have already published on this project:
Luis LM Aguiar, Ann Marie McKinnon and Dixon Sookraj, "Racialization and the Repertoires of Racism: Reaction to Jamaicans in the Okanagan Valley." BC Studies 168 (Winter 2010/2011).
I'm also preparing books on: (1) 'studying up'; (2) whiteness in the Okanagan valley; and (3) a book on the contemporary challenges faced by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).